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Since there are many suggestions about games list which most of our visitor prefer to browse all games list in both alphabetical and chronological order, we've update our listing. All of games will be arrange in two method, we named it LISTED and UNLISTED which means:-

LISTED mean all games are arranged alphabetically(A to Z) and it's list almost all games but not the newly added games.

UNLISTED mean only 35 recent added games will be listed chronologically(date added) which mean latest games on the top of the list.

We apologize since some of games download links still unavailable. Our members have try to reupload them but it won't last long. We will take a look about this matters. Congratulation to anyone who have download them before.

Thanks for the report regarding dead links, html errors, language and file errors, we'll fix it as soon as possible. Don't forget to support our

Thanks for keep supporting our blog, apologize for all problem faced about our games. Feel free to contact us if any problem arise regarding our game, we will try to assist you as long as you can support us and support our